This easy to make batter bread brings the sweet and tender flavor of Hawaiian bread home from vacation. This is a recipe for homemade Hawaiian bread. It's...
For thousands of years man has been enjoying bread. This rye bread recipe will add to this ancient enjoyment. Having lived in northwest Connecticut for...
This Jewish treat is a hybrid of sweet roll, swirl bread, and coffee cake. It's a sweet yeast dough that you roll out, fill, and roll up like a jelly roll,...
Soft and light with a moist crumb. Simple and perfect every time. You can vary the size to accommodate larger burgers or make little sliders - make hot...
This bread is a solid textured loaf appropriate for sandwiches, spreads or eating with a meal. It has two kinds of grains and three kinds of seeds in it....
After getting our bread machine, we were searching for our perfect daily loaf of bread. After some experimenting we found it! This blend of flours gave...
I played around with basic white bread recipes quite a bit and finally have come up with the perfect soft, fluffy, white bread with air pockets. Maybe...
This delicious and gorgeous loaf is part recipe, part science experiment, and part fun family project when you're all stuck in the house together looking...
My local grocery store quit selling crumpets, so I decided to try my hand at making my own! These are a nice alternative to English muffins. To serve,...
This English muffin was inspired by one served at the Model Bakery, in Napa, CA. Theirs are fried in clarified butter. I didn't actually use their recipe,...
Make this gluten-free bread in your bread maker. It's not as good as normal bread, but it's pretty good if you must avoid gluten. The mixture will look...
Want a roll that stays soft for days? Try these fluffy, soft rolls made with butter and love. This is my Grandma's recipe. The rolls are quick to rise...
I have made plenty of sweet breads, and I always favored the Hungarian Coffee Cake and Swedish Tea Ring. This sweet dough recipe is my mother's, and this...
This is wonderful with spaghetti, lasagna, or another Italian dish, but my family likes it with almost anything. It's very good if made the day before...
I have been eating these rolls since I was a kid. I don't know where they started out, but I remember my grandmother making them. They freeze well and...
My Danish great grandmother made a bread very similar to this when my dad was a child. Going off memories my dad helped me recreate her recipe. This bread...
To DIE for, buttery crescent rolls that divide up the work between two days. This yeast-raised dough may be kept in the refrigerator, and used over a period...
Mouth-watering and easy to adjust to your personal tastes. Bakes up light and spongy. No eggs, milk or butter. My toddlers all want 2nds and 3rds of this...
Don't get me wrong; if you hand me a hot dog at the ball game, it's not like I'm going to throw it back in your face, but given the choice this butter-crisped,...
This is a hand-shaped, filled yeast bread that my 2-year-old daughter loves to help prepare. The dough can be made ahead and refrigerated, then baked in...